Novel superconducting and functional materials for energy and environment
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, C. Aruta et al.
- Nanotechnology, G. Grimaldi, A. Leo, N. Martucciello, A. Galluzzi, M. Polichetti, S. Pace, A. Nigro et al.
- Journal of Material Science C, A. Leo, A. Guarino, G. Grimaldi et al.
- IEEE Transactions on Apllied Superconductivity, A. Malagoli, V. Braccini, M. Vignolo, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini et al.
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, A. Martinelli, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, C. Ferdeghini et al.
- Physical Review Materials, F.Zarotti, R. Felici, V. Foglietti, G. Balestrino et al.
Superconducting and correlated low dimensional materials and devices for quantum electronics and spintronic
- Applied Surface Science, M. Cuoco, F. Miletto Granozio et al.
- Nanoscale, F. Bisio et al.
- Nano Letters, P. Gentile, M. Cuoco et al.
- Advanced Functional Materials, A.Di Bartolomeo, A.Pelella, F.Giubileo, A. Grillo, L. Iemmo, F. Urban, et al.
- Science, G. M. De Luca, M. Salluzzo, G. Ghiringhelli et al.
- Scientific Reports, E. Bellingeri, A. Leveratto, A. Plaza, D. Marré et al.
Innovative materials with strong interplay of spin orbital charge and topological degrees of freedom
- Nature, P. Barone et al.
- Nature Materials, P. Gentile, M. Cuoco et al.
- Advanced Materials, A. Stroppa et al.
- Nature Communications, P. Barone, S. Picozzi et al.
Light-matter interaction and non-equilibrium dynamics in advanced materials and devices
- Applied Surface Science, E. Allahyari, J.J. Nivas, G. Ausanio, A. Vecchione, R. Fittipaldi, R. Bruzzese, S. Amoruso et al.
- Scientific Reports, G. P. Papari, A. Andreone et al.
- Scientific Reports, M. Ejrnaes, D. Salvoni, L. Parlato, G. P. Pepe, R. Cristiano et al.
- Physical Review A, A. Pecoraro, A. Porzio et al.
Advanced materials and techniques for organic electronics, biomedical and sensing applications
- Electronics, M. Barra, F. Chiarella, R. Vaglio, A. Cassinese et al.
- Communications Physics, A. Ciattoni et al.
- • Physical Review X, V.Iannotti, G. Ausanio et al.
Electronic and thermal transport from the nanoscale to the macroscale
- Physical Review B, P.Lucignano, V. Cataudella, D. Ninno, G. Cantele et al.
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, F. Giubileo, L. Iemmo, M. Passacantando, F.Urban, G. Luongo, A. Di Bartolomeo et al.
- Nanoscale, A.Di Bartolomeo, F. Urban, M. Passacantando, L. Iemmo, G.Luongo, F.Romeo, F. Giubileo et al.
- Physical Review Letters, N. Traverso Ziani et al.