Outreach & Dissemination working group

SPIN Institute believes that raising awareness is fundamental for those who work in the scientific field because it serves to make people understand, in depth, the value of research activities and the impact they have on our society.

For this reason, a dedicated working group has been set up. The Outreach & Dissemination working group of the SPIN Institute performs its role in supporting the Management, elaborating proposals aimed, overall, at strengthening the level of knowledge and visibility of SPIN activities towards the public, also according to specific reference targets.

Some of the main tasks performed by the “Outreach & Dissemination working group” are:

  • Periodic revision of the SPIN institutional site (hereinafter referred to as “website”) with proposals for updating the various sections or for inserting new content especially related to Third Mission initiatives.
  • Support to the Management in the activities of monitoring and achievement of the Institute's Objectives, referring to actions for the communication and dissemination of science.
  • Periodic review of the Institute’s flyer/brochure.
  • Proposal of new Outreach tools (e.g. social media channels, and dissemination material for the website);
  • Support in drafting the News for the dedicated section on the website.
  • Coordination of proposal collection for seminar activities dedicated to schools, with possible identification of thematic groupings conceived for the development of specific educational paths.
  • Support in managing the email address "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." .
  • Design and implementation of public engagement events involving the entire Institute, also in response to specific external calls.
  • Support for synergistic interaction for public engagement initiatives promoted by the individual offices and for the exchange of related information.
  • Maintaining contacts with structures/groups operating for similar purposes within other Institutes of the CNR or other organization in the research world.

The group includes at least one member for each Units of the Institute.

For further info and contacts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SPIN belongs to
Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
and Technologies of Matter