Novel ideas for superconducting and spin-based devices for quantum information science and sensing

Responsible Mikhail Lisitskiy

Quantum device development is proceeding in the last few years at a very high-speed pace. Yet the development of quantum systems providing a real quantum advantage still requires strong advancements in the fundamental and applied research.

For examples, superconducting qubits are still fighting with the large degrees of quantum error-rate, with the need to implement error-correction methods to overcome the current limitations.

Together with Al-AlOx Josephson junction qubit technology, several other promising approaches are being pursued worldwide, which include Silicon- or semiconducting spin-orbit qubits, spin-qubits based on nitrogen vacancies in diamond, Josephson Junction based on other materials and concepts (like FM based JJs), and/or the intrinsically fault tolerant topological qubits. While very long coherence times were recently achieved using spin-based qubits (including purified Silicon qubits), still the research in this field suffer from scaling to multiqubit operation (coupling of single qubits) and more difficulties in the read-out.

The Area 3.3 focuses on the study of novel qubit platform which are potentially able to overcome some of the limitations of current state of art technology.


A synthetic list of research domains and keywords related to activity 3.3 follows:

Quantum devices based on non-conventional superconductors: Gate controlled SC devices for SC-logics. Topological superconductors and SC/FM hybrids for novel topological qubits.

Superconducting qubits and SC quantum networks: SQNs of interacting Josephson junctions and superconducting flux-qubits arranged in various quasi-1D and 2D vertex-sharing frustrated lattices embedded into a microwave resonator. Detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits.

Spin-orbit qubit based on unconventional 2D-systems: Spin-orbit qubits based on oxide and/or semiconducting quantum dots, topological nanowires. Integration of Qubits with Silicon


SPIN belongs to
Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
and Technologies of Matter