Cnr SPIN - News & Events

Italian Quantum Weeks 2023

Con la sua seconda edizione, il progetto Italian Quantum Weeks prosegue nella sua mission organizzativa di eventi divulgativi dedicati al mondo della meccanica quantistica e all’opportunità di sviluppo che esso offre. Il tema scelto per il 2023 è l’entanglement, una proprietà dei sistemi quantistici che, seppur nella sua assoluta specificità rispetto ai sistemi classici, risulta una preziosa risorsa per le nuove Tecnologie Quantistiche quali il computer quantistico, la crittografia, le simulazioni e la metrologia.


Multifunctional quantum properties steer the dynamics of electrons at oxides interface

An international team of researchers which includes the CNR-SPIN, the University of Salerno, the University of Geneva and the University of Delft has uncovered new quantum effects that can control the dynamics of electrons. The discovery of the physical laws underlying these particular properties could be used for the development of new magnetic sensors integrated with optoelectronic devices of interest for sixth generation (6G) wireless networks.


New EU-funded project to advance amplifiers for quantum technologies

Developing the next generation of parametric amplifiers for quantum technologies is the aim of the EU-funded project TruePA (Truly Resilient Quantum Limited Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers) which recently started.

Researchers from theoretical and experimental physics are collaborating in the TruePA project to make key advances in the development of parametric amplifiers. These so-called TWPAs (Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers) are key components for (future) quantum technologies and of crucial importance for fundamental research in the context of the readout of weak electromagnetic signals in the microwave range.


Coexistence and coupling of ferroelectricity and magnetism in an oxide two-dimensional electron gas

As reported in a recent paper published in Nature Physics, a team, composed of researchers from the Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-THALES, CNR SPIN, the University Federico II of Naples and the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, has discovered a new type of 2D-electron gas, at the interface between two compounds of the perovskite oxide family, that is both ferroelectric and magnetic while being an excellent electrical conductor.



Nell’anno della celebrazione del Centenario del CNR gli Istituti del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), fra cui SPIN, presenti all’Area territoriale della Ricerca di Genova (AreaGe) hanno ideato e realizzato anche per il 2023 una proposta Educational nell’ambito delle Attività di Terza Missione CNR: "Edu2023 - Attività didattica e laboratori a cura delle strutture del CNR presso l’Area Territoriale della Ricerca di Genova".


Flexible fully organic radiation detector

As described in a paper just published in NPJ Flexible Electronics, a journal of the Nature group, an innovative fully flexible proton detector, operating at low-voltage (V = −1 V), has been developed within the FIRE project funded by INFN within the activities of the V National Scientific Group.


CNR Missione Fisica

Consolidando le esperienze svolte nel recente passato, anche per l'annualità in corso, SPIN, presso la sede secondaria di Napoli, ha attivato dei Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento (PCTO) per studenti di scuola secondaria superiore.


Unveiling the Charge-Density Profile in Transparent Semiconductive Oxides under Field-Effect

Transparent conductive and semiconductive oxides are a class of materials that combine high optical transparency with electrical conductivity. They are fundamental components of photovoltaic cells and other photonic devices; their electrical and optical properties critically depend on their charge-carrier density, meaning that tuning this parameter affects both their electrical and photonic performance.


White Circularly Polarized Luminescence in Chiral 1D Double-Chain Perovskites

An international collaboration among Southeast University, Nanjing University (China), Donostia International Physics Center (Spain), CNR-SPIN through Alessandro Stroppa and other institutions, focused on Single-Component White Circularly Polarized Luminescence in Chiral 1D Perovskites with a study just published in Advanced Optical Materials.


Perché il mercurio è superconduttore?

Una collaborazione internazionale, in cui l'istituto CNR-SPIN è particolarmente coinvolto nelle persone del ricercatore Cesare Tresca e del Prof. Gianni Profeta, ha spiegato i meccanismi microscopici alla base della transizione superconduttiva del mercurio in una recente pubblicazione.

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Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
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