School on Oxide M/NEMS and membranes

CNR-SPIN is organizing the Online School on Oxide M/NEMS and membranes scheduled the 8th of November on the Gather Town platform.

Scope of this school is to merge together students and young researchers interested in the field of freestanding oxide thin films and micro/nanomechanical systems made with functional (epi)oxide materials towards new applications in sensing and actuating technologies. Online lessons from scientists from all over Europe will cover all the different aspects of this emerging field, including fundamental modeling, fabrication protocols, and characterization techniques. The school is free-of-charge and each participant has the opportunity to present a poster to share her/his work with the other participants.

The school is organized in the framework of the OXiNEMS project by CNR-SPIN researchers and associates (Luca Pellegrino, Nicola Manca, Daniele Marré).

For the full program and registration:

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SPIN belongs to
Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
and Technologies of Matter