03 Oct

La realtà oltre lo specchio: divertirsi con le simmetrie

  • 03 October 2019 |
  • Published in Events

“It is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry.”

Philip Anderson (1972) - Nobel Laureate in Physics. He gave important contributions in the symmetry breaking mechanism

“Beauty is bound up with Symmetry”

H. Weyl (1885 - 1955) - mathematician, theoretical physicist, philosopher of science. He gave important contributions in the applications of symmetry principles in physics

Symmetry is a very difficult topic whose deep understanding has required the development of a complex mathematical language called Group theory. Complex physical theories are based on symmetry arguments and symmetry principles. Physical properties of materials are often based on symmetry breaking mechanisms. Despite this complexity, the symmetry of an object can be easily and intuitively understood by childreen as well…


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