"Unveiled new paths to design nanoscale patterns in Mott insulators" selected as cover of the journal Nano Letters

The scientific journal Nano Letters chooses for its September cover a research by the CNR SPIN Institute published in the article Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 17, 7782–7789.

The research – to which the cover image refers – was conducted by researchers from the SPIN Institute of the CNR, in collaboration with the EMAT group of the University of Antwerp, the MagTop Research Center in Warsaw and the Department of Physics of the University of Salerno, and deals with new electrically guided nanometric quantum phases (see also our news on 29 MAY 2023). The discovery of these states of matter and the mechanisms underlying their physical properties could be used for the development of non-volatile electronics at room temperature and, in perspective, for the realization of new optoelectronic devices.

Cover journal Nano Letters September 2023



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