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The Shanghai International Crystallographic School - Workshop on chirality in solid-state physics and quantum materials

The Shanghai International Crystallographic School - Workshop on chirality in solid-state physics and quantum materials

The applications of symmetry properties in condensed-matter physics has become of paramount importance at the forefronts of chemistry and materials science. To unveil the microscopic mechanisms at the basis of the intriguing physical properties of complex materials, advanced computational tools are often required for describing symmetries of crystals and their impact on electronic and magnetic structure of the materials.

The Bilbao Crystallographic Server is a web-based computational platform gathering many advanced tools for computational crystallography and symmetry analysis of materials' properties.

Dr. Alessandro Stroppa (CNR-SPIN), in collaboration with Prof. Wei Ren from the Shanghai University, and Prof. Mois I. Aroyo, from The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), is organizing the Shanghai International Crystallographic School - Workshop on chirality in solid-state physics and quantum materials, which will be held in Shanghai University from June 15th to June 21st 2024.

The school will gather together world-renowned scientists for an introduction to group-theoretical methods and computational tools necessary for describing phase transitions and their symmetry-mode analysis, comparison between crystal structures, magnetic symmetry and its applications in the description of magnetic structures, etc. Special topics like chirality in solid-state physics, continuous symmetry measures, chirality in magnetism, chiral phonons, chirality and relativity will be discussed in the context of new frontiers in materials science research.

The school is organized within the project PRIN 2022 - MIRROR led by A. Stroppa.

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