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WOLTE14 2021 - Call for Abstracts

WOLTE14 2021 - Call for Abstracts

The 14th edition of the Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE-14) will be held in Matera, a unique historical town on the patronage of UNESCO world heritage and a very attractive European capital of culture, situated in southern Italy.

Due to the restrictions imposed on the group gathering after the COVID19 pandemic, the WOLTE-14 edition will be organized in a "hybrid" configuration: a scientific program on a virtual platform will be accompanied by "face to face" events held in Matera focusing important aspects of current scientific policy.

Beyond the traditional fields of WOLTE, this edition opens to emerging topics including low temperature devices for quantum communication, computation, and spintronics, space electronics, and sensing, communication cubesat based, optoelectronics, hybridization of semi-, super-conductor, magnetic and photonic devices (both detectors and sources) working at low temperatures.

The WOLTE-14 will be organized by the University of Napoli Federico II, CNR SPIN, and ASI.

Giampiero Pepe (University of Naples Federico II), Chair

Mikkel Ejrnaes (CNR SPIN), Mario Siciliani de Cumis (ASI), Co-Chairs

Enrico Silva (IEEE CSC Italian Chapter), Treasurer