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High-temperature superconductors at high pressure

High-temperature superconductors at high pressure

An international collaboration involving researchers from the Department of Physics at Sapienza, SPIN-CNR and L'Aquila University, the Max-Planck-Institute for microstructure physics in Halle, the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics in Mainz and in the University of Tokyo has just published one of the most complete reviews on the field of high-temperature superconductivity at high pressures.

The recent discovery of near-room temperature superconductivity at 203 K in SH3 (in 2015) and 260 K in LaH10 (in 2019) in two hydrogen-based materials, has changed completely changed the scientific perspectives in the field of superconductivity.

Sulfur hydride (H3S, 2015) and lanthanum hydride (LaH10, 2019), synthesized at megabar pressures, superconduct at extraordinary high-temperture and pose new challenges in high-pressure experimental research, the theory of superconductivity, and computational methods for crystal structure prediction.
In the Review, published open access on Physics Reports, Prof. G. Profeta from University of L'Aquila and SPIN-CNR associate and collaborators, provide a detailed and critical overview of the recent advances in experimental techniques, thoery of superconductivity and computational methods which have made these discoveries possible.
In the words of the Referees, this work has been classified as "one of the most complete, and up-to-date Review on the superconductivity of Hydrides, that will definitely serve as a reference for future works."