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Facility for testing superconducting materials in high magnetic field

Facility for testing superconducting materials in high magnetic field

SPIN has been selected as winner of the Call “Sostegno alle infrastrutture di ricerca considerate critiche/cruciali per i sistemi regionali” issued by Regione Liguria under the PROGRAMMA OPERATIVO REGIONALE 2014 – 2020, within the Azione 1.5.1. (Protocollo regione Liguria n. 6551).

With the submitted project “Facility per la qualifica di materiali superconduttori in alto campo magnetico” led by Andrea Malagoli, SPIN obtain a financing for the infrastructure strengthening of its laboratory in Genova through the acquisition of a superconducting solenoid configuration magnet with a bore diameter of about 80 mm and a field strength of at least 16 T. These characteristics, designed in particular, but not only, for the measurement of the critical current in superconducting wires and tapes, make such facility very important on the national scene and a reason for further development for the entire SPIN community.

This initiative counts on the endorsement by CERN, INFN, ENI and ASG-Superconductors. A particular mention goes to University of Genova, which participates in the project with an important co-financing.