Cnr SPIN - News & Events

SPIN-GE Workshop 2020

On January, 21st the SPIN-GE Workshop 2020 has been held at the Genova headquarter, a pleasant occasion in which to present and share the research work of the researchers working on the different topics at SPIN-Genova laboratories.


The Nernst effect in Corbino geometry

We have published  in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)  the article “The Nernst effect in Corbino geometry”, by A. V. Kavokin, B. L. Altshuler, S. G. Sharapov, P. S. Grigoryev, and A. A. Varlamov, PNAS first published January 28, 2020. It is accomplished in the frameworks of two European Projects: CoExAn and MAGENTA in which CNR-SPIN takes part.


Long-wavelength fluctuations and anomalous dynamics in 2-dimensional liquids

A 50-year-old puzzle in statistical mechanics has been solved by an international team of physicists, who have proved that two-dimensional (2D) liquids have fundamentally different dynamical properties to three-dimensional (3D) liquids.


SUPERGALAX: Quantum technologies for the search of galactic dark matter axions

A superconducting qubit, the core element of recent quantum computers, could be considered as the lead technology that makes it possible to unravel the mystery of dark matter in our Universe.


Special Issue "Physics and Applications of Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials"

Dr. Alessandro Ciattoni (CNR-SPIN unit of L'Aquila) has been recruited as guest editor of the special issue "Physics and Applications of Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials" to appear on MATERIALS, an Open Access Journal by MDPI. The special issue is online since November 6, 2019 here.


The MiDA project financed by "Compagnia di San Paolo"

The MiDA (MicroDevices for Active Photonics) project proposed by Spin researchers and leaded by E. Bellingeri was financed by “Compagnia San Paolo”.


Luca Pellegrino premiato ad Alassio, sua città natale

La città di Alassio (Savona) premia ogni anno con la consegna dell’"Alassino d’Oro" i suoi concittadini che, con impegno e valore, portano in alto il nome della celebre "città del Muretto".


START 4.0: Bando per progetti di ricerca industriali.

START 4.0: E' aperto il bando per progetti di ricerca industriali sulle  tecnologie abilitanti per la sicurezza delle infrastrutture critiche.



La realtà oltre lo specchio: divertirsi con le simmetrie

“It is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry.”

Philip Anderson (1972) - Nobel Laureate in Physics. He gave important contributions in the symmetry breaking mechanism

“Beauty is bound up with Symmetry”

H. Weyl (1885 - 1955) - mathematician, theoretical physicist, philosopher of science. He gave important contributions in the applications of symmetry principles in physics

Symmetry is a very difficult topic whose deep understanding has required the development of a complex mathematical language called Group theory. Complex physical theories are based on symmetry arguments and symmetry principles. Physical properties of materials are often based on symmetry breaking mechanisms. Despite this complexity, the symmetry of an object can be easily and intuitively understood by childreen as well…


The 2019 edition of the Genoa Science Festival

The 2019 edition of the Genoa Science Festival successfully concluded with 210.000 registered visits and over 280 scheduled events, which took place across different locations in the city of Genova.

Cnr, which is the main partner of this event, participated with different events including exhibitions, conferences, laboratories and performances.

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