The MiDA project financed by "Compagnia di San Paolo"

The MiDA (MicroDevices for Active Photonics) project proposed by Spin researchers and leaded by E. Bellingeri was financed by “Compagnia San Paolo”.

MIDA is a joint project by CNR-SPIN,Physics department of Genova University and IIT (Italian Institute of Technology) aimed to realize active photonics component based on the tuning of plasmonic resonace by electric field effect in ZnO transparent thin film transistors.  Also the project “Modula-modulazione della luminescenza di materiali ferroelettrici guidata da stimoli fisici esterni” proposed by CNR-ICMATE but involving also SPIN researcher was financed in the framework of the same call. In this case the proposed idea is the realization of ferroelectric materials with modular photoluminescence emission (intensity, color, etc.) through the application of external stimuli and in particular by exploiting an electric field and / or temperature variations.

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Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
and Technologies of Matter