The "Security and optimization of strategic infrastructures 4.0" Competency Center has been approved - START 4.0

The project, coordinated by CNR, with the involvement of IIT, the Liguria Region, the Port System Authorities, Unioncamere and the Confindustria Digital Innovation Hub, with the collaboration of RINA and the participation of Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo STS, ABB, Cetena, IREN, Leonardo, Softeco and several SMEs, is among the 8 Competence Centers that have been selected by the Ministry of Economic Development to obtain funding in the context of Industry 4.0.

The project to which the University of Genoa collaborates, has been approved together with other centers that are located in highly competitive areas of the country. The center, in our Region, has a strategic value to support the economic revamp that must go through the development and use of the new Industry 4.0 technologies.
The "Strategic Infrastructure Security and Optimization 4.0 - START4.0" Competence Center will focus its activity on the application of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies (IoT, blockchain, big data, etc.) in the field of security (security, safety and cyber security) on the application domains of the port, the transport, energy and water infrastructure and the production system.
The initiative has seen the participation and the synergy of many institutes of the Genoese CNR; among them, an important role was played by SPIN.

here the link for the ranking

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SPIN belongs to
Cnr - Department of Physical Sciences
and Technologies of Matter