Martinelli Alberto Mario
- Corso F. M. Perrone, 24
- Genova
- 16152
- Italia
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- +39 010 6598 726
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Miscellaneous Information
Educational Qualification
1996 Degree in Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Genova
thesis: Reactive diffusion of nitrogen in niobium-titanium alloys
2001 Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences at the University of Genova
thesis: Investigation of the physical-chemical properties of metal nitrides prepared by combustion synthesis under high nitrogen pressure
2000 - 2002 Fellowship at the University of Genova
title: Investigation of solid solutions by means of transmission electron microscopy
2002 - present Researcher at SPIN-CNR (formerly LAMIA-INFM)
Representative for the scientific community of Structure of Materials within the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility User Organisation Committee since 2020.
Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Materials since 2022.
Research Interests
My research interests relate to the crystallography, solid-state chemistry and solid-state physics of inorganic compounds. My research is focused on crystal chemistry, and crystal-structure - property relations in functional inorganic materials; a unifying theme in almost every aspect of my work is the compositional tuning of the properties of extended solids through solid solution.
- Crystallography
- Crystallochemistry & Crystallophysics
- Structural Transitions
- Magnetochemistry and Magnetic Structures
- Materials:
1) Fe-based supercondutors
2) perovskite-type oxides (manganites)
3) perovskite-type halides (photo-luminescent perovskites)
4) transition metal, rare earth and mixed oxides (rutile-type, spinel-type, superconducting rutheno-cuprates, substituted ceria)
5) intermetallic compounds
6) minerals
7) transition metal nitrides
- Synthesis of inorganic compounds
- Metallographic preparation of metallic and ceramic samples
- Microstructural characterization by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- Structural and microstructural analysis by means of X-ray and neutron powder diffraction analysis (Rietveld refinement), including magnetic structures and soft mode analysis
- Structural analysis at the local scale by pair distribution function analysis (PDF)
- Thermo-gravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis
- micro-Raman spectroscopy applied to the characterization of inorganic compounds
- Small angle neutron scattering analysis of inorganic compounds
Selected publications
Magnetic phase separation in the EuPdSn2 ground state
A. Martinelli, D. Ryan, J. Sereni, C. Ritter, A. Leineweber, I. Čurlík, R. Freccero, M. Giovannini, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (2023) 7641
Comment on "Structural transition and superconductivity in hydrothermally synthesized FeX (X = S, Se)" by U. Pachmayr, N. Fehna and D. Johrendt, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 194
A. Martinelli, Chemical Communications 59 (2023) 6592
Structural properties of defective (CH3NH3)2Cu(Cl1–xBrx)4 compounds
A. Martinelli, A. Ray, A. L. Abdelhady, F. Locardi, Acta Crystallographica B 78 (2022) 425
Deep insights into the local structure of amorphous Ta2O5 thin films by x-ray pair distribution function analysis
A. Martinelli, M. Giovannini, M. Neri, G.Gemme, Physical Review Materials 5 (2021) 115603
Impact of local structure on halogen ion migration in layered methylammonium copper halide memory devices
A. Martinelli, A. Ray, B. Martın-Garcıa, D. Spirito, F. Locardi, D. Altamura, C. Giannini, M. Prato, L. Manna, A. L. Abdelhady, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020) 17516
Structural investigation of the Sm(Fe1−xRux)As(O0.85F0.15) system: a synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction study
A. Martinelli, Superconductor Science and Technology 32 (2019) 015014
The puzzling structure of Cu5FeS4 (bornite) at low temperature
A. Martinelli, G. O. Lepore, F. Bernardini, A. Giaccherini, F. Di Benedetto, Acta Crystallographica B74 (2018) 405
Experimental Evidence for Static Charge Density Waves in Iron Oxypnictides
A. Martinelli, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, A. Genovese, F. Caglieris, G. Lamura, C. Ritter, M. Putti, Physical Review Letters 118 (2017) 055701
The phase diagrams of iron-based superconductors: theory and experiments
A. Martinelli, F. Bernardini, S. Massidda, Comptes Rendus - Physique 17 (2016) 5
Phase separation, orbital ordering and magnetism in (La0.375Ca0.625)MnO3
A. Martinelli, M. Ferretti, C. Ritter, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 239 (2016) 99
Structural properties and phase diagram of the La(Fe1-xRux)AsO system
A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, I. Pallecchi, C. Ferdeghini, M. Putti, S. Sanna, C. Curfs, C. Ritter, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (2013) 395701
Neutron powder diffraction analysis of (Tm0.50Ca0.50)MnO3 and (Lu0.50Ca0.50)MnO3
A. Martinelli, M. Ferretti, M.R. Cimberle, C. Ritter, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 196 (2012) 314
Microstructural evolution throughout the structural transition in 1111 oxy-pnictides
A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, M.Putti, C.Ferdeghini, Physical Review B 85 (2012) 224534
Retention of the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition in F-substituted SmFeAsO: a new phase diagram for SmFeAs(O1-xFx)
A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, M. Tropeano, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini, G. Profeta, E. Emerich, Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 227001
From antiferromagnetism to superconductivity in Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) (0<x<0.20): a neutron powder diffraction analysis
A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, M. Tropeano, C. Ferdeghini, M. Putti, M. R. Cimberle, T. D. Nguyen, M. Affronte, C. Ritter, Physical Review B 81 (2010) 094115
Crystal and magnetic structure of Cr- and Ni-substituted (La0.50Ca0.50)MnO3
A. Martinelli, M. Ferretti, C. Castellano, M.R. Cimberle, C. Ritter, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2008) 145210
Evolution of the structure, microstructure and physical properties of RuSr2GdCu2O8 as a function of the thermal treatement
A. Martinelli, M.R. Cimberle, Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 222 (2007) 459
Vanadiocarpholite, Mn2+V3+Al(Si2O6)(OH)4, a new mineral from the Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy
R. Basso, R. Cabella, G. Lucchetti, A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (2005) 501
Cavoite, CaV3O7, a new mineral from the Gambatesa mine, Northern Apennines, Italy
R. Basso, G. Lucchetti, A. Martinelli, A. Palenzona, European Journal of Mineralogy 15 (2003) 181
High-temperature nitridation of Nb-Ti alloys in nitrogen
V. Buscaglia, A. Martinelli, R. Musenich, W. Mayr, W. Lengauer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 283 (1999) 241